Becas PHD del IRB-Barcelona, 2023

Investigación / docencia

Descripción del programa

For the 2023-2024 academic year, IRB Barcelona is offering up to 9 PhD fellowships for young scientists from the national and international community who wish to undertake a doctoral degree in biomedicine. We encourage applications from highly motivated graduates with outstanding qualifications in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, pharmacology, computational biology or related fields. Successful candidates will join research groups headed by top-level scientists and will carry out their research in cutting-edge fields of biomedicine in a stimulating environment.

Detalles de la movilidad
Institución que promueve Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Nº de movilidades disponibles 9
Convocatoria (año) 2023
Fecha límite para envío solicitud 20/01/2023
Periodicidad NO ES PERIODICA
Categoria o segmento al que aplica Investigación / docencia
Tipo de moneda EUROS
Cuantía o presupuesto por beneficiario NA
País/es y universidad/es de origen del solicitante
  • Andorra
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brasil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • España
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • México
  • Nicaragua
  • Panamá
  • Paraguay
  • Perú
  • Portugal
  • República Dominicana
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
Requisitos solicitante:

The programme is aimed at students who have completed one of the following options by September 2023:

  1. Studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine, Chemistry or related fields and that have 300 credits (ECTS), of which at least 60 must correspond to master level.
  2. A degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area and that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine, Chemistry or related fields in Spain.Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.
  3. Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.
País/es y universidad/es de destino del solicitante
  • España
Área/s y subárea/s de conocimiento
  • Biología
  • Bioquímica
  • Biotecnología
  • Física
  • Geología y meteorología
  • Química
  • Enfermería
  • Biomedicina
  • Estudios dentales
  • Farmacia
  • Medicina
  • Pediatría
  • Salud; sectores no clasificados en otra parte
  • Tecnología de diagnóstico y tratamiento médico
  • Terapia, fisioterapia y rehabilitación
  • Terapias naturales relacionadas con la salud y el bienestar
Nivel de estudios requerido Maestría, Postgraduado o Magister
Datos de gestión y de la institución que promueve la movilidad
Univ/Centro Responsable Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Tipo de institución: Centro de investigación
Persona de contacto Información
Correo electrónico