Becas PHD del Institute for Research in Biomedicine (Barcelona), 2024

Investigación / docencia

Descripción del programa

Co-funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Work Programme under grant agreement No. 101126676, IRB-TARGET is offering 5 four-year fellowships for the academic year 2024-2025 for researchers interested in carrying out their PhD projects.

Detalles de la movilidad
Institución que promueve Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Nº de movilidades disponibles 5
Convocatoria (año) 2024
Fecha límite para envío solicitud 15/12/2023
Periodicidad ANUAL
Categoria o segmento al que aplica Investigación / docencia
Tipo de moneda EUROS
Cuantía o presupuesto por beneficiario NA
País/es y universidad/es de origen del solicitante
  • Andorra
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brasil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • España
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • México
  • Nicaragua
  • Panamá
  • Paraguay
  • Perú
  • Portugal
  • República Dominicana
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
Requisitos solicitante:

IRB-TARGET will recruit doctoral candidates of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in biomedicine. To be eligible for an IRB-TARGET fellowship, applicants must:

- Comply with the mobility rule: meaning that they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call.

- Not be in possession of a doctoral degree at the deadline of the call. Any candidate that has successfully defended their doctoral thesis will not be considered eligible, even if they have not formally been awarded a doctoral degree.

- Fulfil one of the following options (mandatory requirements according to the Bologna process to be able to enrol in a doctoral programme at the time of the effective recruitment):

  • Completion of studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 must correspond to master level.
  • Completion of a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine or related fields in Spain.

- Submit a complete application before the established deadline through the IRB-TARGET electronic application. Applicants will be asked to upload the following information:

  • Personal information such as first and last name, gender, nationality and contact details. This section will also ask about applications for or intention to apply for other fellowships.
  • Curriculum vitae, including summary of work experience and career breaks.
  • Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) highlighting their research experience and academic achievements and explaining why they are interested in IRB Barcelona and in a particular research group.
  • A scanned copy of their certified academic record. These documents must show the grades attained in exam periods and evidence that the required degree will be obtained by the expected time of recruitment if it has not already been awarded.
  • Any additional files considered relevant to the application.
  • At least two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists who are familiar with their academic work and who can judge their potential as a predoctoral researcher. 
  • A summary of any work experience and a maximum of three research groups in which they are interested.

Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied

País/es y universidad/es de destino del solicitante
  • España
Área/s y subárea/s de conocimiento
  • Biología
  • Bioquímica
  • Biotecnología
  • Física
  • Geología y meteorología
  • Química
  • Enfermería
  • Biomedicina
  • Estudios dentales
  • Farmacia
  • Medicina
  • Pediatría
  • Salud; sectores no clasificados en otra parte
  • Tecnología de diagnóstico y tratamiento médico
  • Terapia, fisioterapia y rehabilitación
  • Terapias naturales relacionadas con la salud y el bienestar
Nivel de estudios requerido Maestría, Postgraduado o Magister
Cómo enviar la candidatura Plataforma
Datos de gestión y de la institución que promueve la movilidad
Univ/Centro Responsable Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Tipo de institución: Centro de investigación
Persona de contacto Información
Correo electrónico